Attendees: President Marie, President Elect Chuck Norton, Secretary/Treasurer Rich Lalley, David Birkenstein, Eric Birkenstein, Rik Boerjesson, Laura Cunningham, David Grant, Bill Leske, Brooke Peppey, Peter Skalski, John Thomas, Barb Tubekis, Patti Van Cleave
Prepared by: Rich Lalley
The meeting was called to order. As no minutes were prepared for the previous meeting, none were reviewed.
Financial reports for the club and WNRCF were reviewed.
- As of June 3, the club has just under $4,000 in cash. Fiscal year to date, the club is running a $3,600 deficit, with about $5,200 in dues yet to be paid by members.
- As of June 3, WNRCF has over $38,000 in bank accounts, with $5,600 in funds reserved as prior year restricted donations. Fiscal year to date, the foundation is running a $21,000 surplus. At year end (June 30), donations made for Kids Against Hunger, the Peru school supplies project, RYLA and our Community Grants Fund will be placed in to prior year restricted donation accounts.
- Motions we made and passed to accept the Treasurer’s reports.
President Marie announced she has formed a “Social Justice” committee which will meet for the first time June 8. She invited any interested board members to participate.
President Elect Chuck made the following comments during his minute:
- Several club members have committed to make donations to our Community Grants fund to help make up for the postponed spring benefit. However, to fully fund the program, we need all members to donate what they would have spent on benefit ticket(s), raffle tickets, etc.
- The club needs a President Elect for the next Rotary year. Without someone assuming this position, the club’s future is in jeopardy.
- A rousing THANK YOU was made to President “Queen” Marie for her outstanding leadership this past year. All members seconded the sentiment.
Committee Reports:
Membership: John Peterson will be the new Park District head. Patti knows John well and will reach out to confirm he should assume the Park District’s membership.
Programs: John Thomas will continue book a combination of outside speakers and bios to be presented via Zoom through July. John proposed having one or two bios each week we have a speaker in response to the positive reception the bios have gotten from the members. Also, we discussed possibly using video (e.g. Ted Talks on You Tube) to provide interesting speakers.
Foundation: Brooke is preparing files to turn over WNRCF leadership to David Grant on July 1.
District Grant: A committee has been appointed. Based on club survey input, the foundation will use the District Grant to make donations to the New Trier Township Angel Fund and Infant, Inc. A final recommendation on donation amounts after reviewing a detailed financial report of COVID-19 donations and club meal revenue. Rich Lalley will make those donations and submit the District Grant application before the June 15 deadline. A press release will also be issued.
Community Service/COVID Relief: We continue to distribute weekly meals from Donna Goodman to Good News Partners and Lydia Foster Home. We will continue this practice until in person meetings resume. We provided weekly meals from Stormy’s to North Shore Hospital ERs for six weeks, ending May 23. We will not be continuing that program in June. Also, David Birkenstein expressed an interest in exploring a plan to secure naming rights for a Winnetka Park. David will connect with the Park District and Rich will work to get a listing of District 6440 club who have named parks in their communities.
Communications/Bulletin: We will reinstate weekly assignments (Thought of the Day, Dig n Grin, scribe) and include these in the weekly bulletin. TO make scribing easier and promote briefer stories, a meeting notes template will be created. Also, meeting on Zoom will be reordered so those not attending can view them. Links will be included in the weekly bulletin.
International: Peru continues to be shut down, so the school supply program is on hold. The Ecuador grant application has been resubmitted to The Rotary Foundation.