Barb ran the meeting for Bob, who is in a sunnier climate for a couple of weeks.
Rich shared a Thought.
Greeter Robert led us in pledge.
--Barb welcomed all and suggested we begin as Bob always does, with three breaths.
--Robert introduced guests: Debra introduced Matt Rooney. Also Dawn and Susan are guests of our speaker.
--Chuck Norton’s bday is 1/30
--Centennial Celebration will be June 20. Mark your calendars and help us to plan at our Feb 15 lunch meeting.
--Speaker next week is from from Village Treasure House, we will also do a service project creating Valentines for Vets.
Happy Bucks:
Rich shared that he is buying a new house in Mundelein. (He will stay for at least one more year in our club). He has an offer on his house already!
Barb is happy to miss her brownie, as she has medical appts requiring no caffeine.
Debra leased a new FAST car!
Moha is happy to report that we have started recruiting board members for next year and is happy that there are at least 3!
DnG: Tony dug into his library and found some good old material “Why I love my mom” with things mom taught him. Robert added a Freud quote: “If it’s not one thing, it’s your mother”.
Debra introduced our guests. Mary Leopold spoke on the phone booth that is now on the grounds of Canal Shores golf course at the 11th hole: The Wind Phone. Her compelling story involved her son Oliver, who died suddenly in December 2021. She wanted to bring a place to her community where people could grieve. The Wind Phone originated in Japan. Additionally, visitors can place a rock with a loved one’s name. Mary is happy to take requests for names on rocks and encourages all to visit the Wind Phone.
The phone booth at the edge of the world is a fictionalized book about the wind phone.
FB: thewindphoneonhole11
Barb adjourned the meeting at 1:28.