Posted by David Grant
President Bob began the meeting with a soothing breath. There were 12 rotarians, 2 speakers, and no guests in attendance.
Announcements:  Bob invited us to the District Conference on April 20.  He congratulated Liz Taylor for her 22nd anniversary as a Rotarian.
Happy Bucks:  Bill is happy to see Fred back from Florida and in-person!  Fred is happy the Winnetka One real-estate project is approved by the Village. 
Program:  Los Angeles arranger/composer/producer John Philip Shenale and local music journalist/rock author Lisa Torem shared highlights from their careers including collaboration with Tory Amos and Billy Joel.  They also talked about ‘What's AI Got to Do with creativity.’  Currently, A.I. has threatened massive ownership rights. Large questions need to be sorted: What is creativity? How can artists and other entrepreneurs protect their intellectual property rights and mitigate this phenomenon moving forward?