The meeting was called to order at 12:15 by Co-President Moha.
Greeter Fred led us in the Pledge.
Barb shared A Thought of the Day.
Guests: There were no guests. Our District Governor, Thor Davidson was visiting us for his annual visit.
-- Moha thanked all who assisted with our Holiday Lunch on December 5.
--RI Annual Conference is in June in Calgary. You are encouraged to reserve a hotel room if you are considering attending, as they are in short supply.
--Polio Plus donations to TRF will still be matched up to $500 through June, 2025 by Jack Blaine’s foundation. Jack was a former member of our district.
--The Wilmette Club is looking for donations to their current project, providing supplies to unhoused individuals in Chicago. Items may be purchased through Amazon and sent directly. Here is the link directly to the list:
--Barb announced that our January 30 program will be a service project, sorting seeds in collaboration with Friends of the Green Bay Trail.
--Rich announced that the last coat distribution seeking volunteers is today in Humboldt Park.
--Bill announced that the Chamber Holiday Party is tonight at Fields BMW in Northfield from 5-7pm.
Dig N Grin: ArLynn told a story about Mary and her pregnancy.
Program: Our District Governor, Thor Davidson, who is a member of the Wheaton Noon Club, shared his personal story, his Rotary story, and how his travels for Rotary have impacted his life.
He encouraged us to contribute to The Rotary Foundation, which has the highest rating possible through Charity Navigator. Our Club has $611,000 in all time giving to TRF.
He encouraged us to attend the Annual Conference in Calgary.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:32 by Moha, with all of us reciting the Four Way Test.