Posted by Patti Van Cleave
President Chuck called the meeting to order at 12:15. There were 23 in attendance
Eric provided a thought of the day standing in for Joe Nash – asked for a quick end to the impeachment trial so we can get on with business at hand.
Visiting guests/Rotarians: Mary Nelson was in attendance from Hadley.
Anniversary: Tom Nash
Birthday: Pat O’Day has a birthday tomorrow - 2-12
Rich announced that our club was awarded a $10,000 grant and is looking for $1,000 in donations for Warm Soles project, supporting the Northern Illinois area – Lake County.
Tony offered his condo in St Maarten which is available in two weeks. He would donate to a worthy cause.
Eric offered info about a WSJ article about polio recently. Polio has flared up again in the midst of the pandemic. Read the article here:
David B asked who has received the vaccine? There was discussion about locations available.
Happy Bucks:
Rich’s son Alex’s therapy practice has just been awarded a grant to treat VA members with PTSD.
Marie is happy because the speaker is her friend who will “drop some knowledge” on us.
DigNGrin: Robert shared facts about Lincoln’s birthday and his accomplishments as well as Valentine’s Day, both occurring this week. There was a concluding joke that brought both of these events together.
Marie introduced Vickey Young, who spoke to us about living with disabilities. Her presentation is here:
Her excellent presentation was comprehensive and compelling. View the recording to learn from Vickey’s deep knowledge.
President Chuck adjourned the meeting at 1:31.