Posted by Patti Van Cleave
The meeting was called to order at 12:17 by Co-President Rich.
Greeter Debra led us in the Pledge.
Wes shared some quotes from department store founder Harry Selfridge.
Guests: David Grant’s spouse Leslie, and our speaker Mariana Alfar.
Foundation Minute: Moha updated us on progress with our project in Morocco. Moha hopes that this will be approved as a Global Grant, with a budget of $60-100,000.

            -- Rich inducted our newest member, Michael Ambrose into our Club.
            --Our Good News Partners food packing will take place next week. Shoppers are going to Costco on Wednesday the 20th. This year the funding is limited to what we can raise, as there are no DDF funds for this project, so we need donations! We also need drivers to take the bags to Rogers Park after lunch next week and people to come early and set up the room.
           --There are several Operation Warm distribution projects coming up in the next few weeks. Rich will send an email asking for volunteers.
            --Our Holiday Luncheon with the New Trier Swing Choir is December 5. It was agreed that we would have a more special lunch that day, and all are encouraged to bring guests!
            --The bins for NTT Food Pantry at the Community House are full. Need volunteers to take to the Township office.
Happy Bucks:
     --Debra shared that she finally finished a mosaic that has taken 8 months to complete. She is having a show tonight at her studio – all are welcome!  
     --Michael is happy to be a member!
     -- Barb is happy to have Michael join us. She also shared the sad news that her aunt died last week.
     --Fred shared that his dear friend, a lifelong friend Dan Leonard died recently.  
    --Liz is happy that Michael brings down the average age of our club members!
    --Bob is happy that his son got a job in New York City. He shared that they have been happy to have him here.
    --Rich celebrated our veterans, Tony and Fred, and asked Tony to share with the club something special that happened to him recently (besides turning 90).
Dig N Grin: Bob shared some events that occurred on This Day in History.
Program:   Our speaker was Mariana Alfar. Mariana was most recently President of the Wilmette Club, and is currently District Governor Nominee Designate for District 6440. David described her as a “Super Rotarian”.
Mariana spoke eloquently about her personal life as a Palestinian Christian, and her professional life as a journalist working for BBC and other news outlets. She shared her thoughts about the current war in Israel and Palestine.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:32 by Rich, with all of us reciting the Four Way Test.