Posted by Amy Skalinder
Co-President Moha Bouacha opened the meeting and welcomed everyone.
Bob Baker offered the thought of the day. After saying the Pledge of Allegiance, Bob also shared information about Peace Scholarships supported by the Rotary Foundation. Moha also noted that September is National Literacy Month, and World Polio Day is coming up on October 24.
After lunch, Moha gave a few Rotary updates:
  • The District 6440 Conference will be held on Saturday, October 5 at the College of DuPage. There will be two days of service on Friday, October 4 and Sunday, October 6 at various locations. Registration is open and you can sign up here. It’s a great opportunity to get to know other Rotarians in our District.
  • The next Rotary International Convention will be held in Calgary, June 21-25, 2025. Registration is open and more information is available here.
  • The Wilmette Club has two activities coming up and all are encouraged to participate.
  • All are encouraged to read the 411 from the District 6440 Governor, which you receive via email.
Other announcements:
  • There are sign up sheets on the tables for the Winnetka Farmers’ Market. We will have a tent September 14, from 7:30am to 12:30pm. Rotarians are encouraged to sign up to represent Rotary for one (or more) of three shifts during that time. Pens have been ordered as give-aways. Barb will bring card stock so people can write cards to veterans or people in the hospital as an on-site service project. Contact Liz Taylor with questions.
  • Harvest Day at the Glencoe Community Garden is scheduled for September 12 in lieu of our meeting – that’s next week! Please sign up so the correct number of lunches. Plan to arrive at noon, quickly eat lunch, and then get to work. Bring friends and family who would like to be involved – and dress for gardening. The Garden is at 385 Old Green Bay Road in Glencoe. Contact Barb Tubekis with questions.
Happy Bucks were shared by ArLynn Presser, David Grant, Moha Bouacha, and Tony Kambich.
Moha reminded us about committee sign-ups a few weeks ago. There is still time to sign up if you haven’t had a chance. The Committee Rosters to date are:
Club Administration
David Grant
Rich Lalley
Bill Leske
Bill Leske
Liz Taylor (Chair)
Public Image
Debra Campbell (Chair)
Rich Lalley
Patti Van Cleave
Service Projects
Heidi Sibert
Barb Tubekis (Chair)
Patti Van Cleave
Moha Bouacha (Chair)
Ken Drummet
The Rotary Foundation (Rotary International, not our Club Foundation)
Bob Baker (Chair)
David Birkenstein
Bob Baker also shared an update on our Club Foundation – he and Patti Van Cleave will serve as Co-Presidents, and Debra Campbell will serve as Secretary. He will call a meeting soon with everyone currently on the Club Foundation Committee roster – if you are interested in joining them, please contact Bob.
Moha reminded us that we need a President-Elect. Anyone interested should contact Moha.
Robert shared some baseball-related quotes from Yogi Berra for Dig & Grin.
David Grant led the group in a discussion about possibly restructuring meeting assignments, ideas for changing / improving the bulletin, making meeting notes easier, and finding speakers.
Various suggestions and ideas were offered about all of these topics. Regarding speakers, specifically, the Club discussed whether political / controversial topics should be welcomed or discouraged. No conclusions were reached, and it was noted that further discussion would be helpful when more Club members are present.
Moha will look into arranging a visit to Rotary International in Evanston on November 7 when the Community House is not available due to the Antiques + Modernism Show.
The meeting adjourned with our usual recitation of the 4-Way Test.