Meeting Recap June 4
Twenty-nine members were present at this week’s meeting, our first outdoor meeting this year in the Garden at the Community House. Guests this week included landscape designer, DaShan Williams, as assistant to Heidi Sibert, Enza Fragassi a guest of Ned Meisner and former member Pat O’Day.
The first announcement was from Pat O’Day who plugged the 2015 Rotary Humanitarian Patriot Award benefit that is being sponsor by the Rotary Club of North Chicago to benefit on June 12th. The event will be held at Rosalind Franklin University. The awards are given to those who have set an example of extraordinary commitment to support for the US Armed Forces Veterans and Returning Warriors.
President Baker reminded the Club that the June 11th meeting would be the Annual Installation Dinner where he will turn over the gavel to President-Elect John Thomas. If you want to bring a spouse or ‘significant other’ please be sure to sign up on the Club’s website or call Bob Baker so we have an accurate count. The cost of for guests is only $15. The meeting begins at 5:30 p.m. with a social half hour where beer and wine will be served. Catered by Design will provide the buffet dinner.
Wes Baumann announced that he is looking for a replacement for writing the weekly Meeting Recap. He said he is willing to share the duties with a volunteer
Member Kristen Leahy, the Executive Director of the Winnetka Youth Organization, asked for financial help for the “YOs” annual service trip to build a house for Habitat for Humanity.
Mark Kotz reminded the Club that there are only a few more weeks left in the Rotary fiscal year and the Club would like to have every member contribute to RI’s EREY (Every Rotarian-Every Year) to support the numerous projects of Rotary. Much of the money goes back to local clubs to help with their projects. Make out your check to Rotary International and put EREY on the memo line.
During Happy Buck$ Heidi Sibert announced that she had a check for $500 from her employer, the landscaping company James Martin Associates, that was being given to our Rotary club to be split between Operation Warm and RightStart4Kids. Ned Meisner auctioned off a ride on his motorcycle – Mike Malloy was the winner and our Foundation is $25 richer.
This week’s speaker was Carlton Marcyan, a divorce attorney and member of the Lake Forest-Lake Bluff Rotary Club. The main thrust of Carl’s presentation was when a couple decides to spit up they should try to use other methods than resorting to legal litigation, as he has been a leader in collaborative law. He spoke of ways to resolve disputes without involving the courts. Litigation is very stressful, costly and the end result is unpredictable. The jury system and the courts are imperfect; too often technicalities over-rule the facts or the truth. Litigation often does not result in justice.
Arbitration is often a viable alternative. In binding arbitration the arbitrator often acts like a judge and renders a decision. Mediation is another method of conflict resolution. It is not binding, as the mediator does not make decisions but attempts to lead the parties to a reasonable resolution. They tend to assist the party with less power. Carl said in Illinois you are not required to have a license to be a mediator, and he also said you do not have to use a retired judge as they are usually more expensive.