Meeting Recap September 15
Posted by Keith Reed
There were 30 out of 57 members present. Allie Sarwark of WYO gave the “thought of the day” which was to look forward to positive things and forget the negative things of the past. Fred Schwimmer was back and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Guests were Penny Fields from the Highland Park Rotary, and John Robertson from the Evanston Rotary. Rotating Members in attendance this week were Anna Helfman from Winnetka High School; and Marty Selleis fom the Winnetka Fire Department.
Several Club membership anniversaries were celebrated and those members present were: Tony Kambich (37); Tim McCabe (7); and Fred Schwimmer and Heidi Sibert (4). Robert Mardirossian was celebrating 22 years of membership but he also had a birthday-- and since added together they added up to 85, he wanted us to sing to him as he quoted our recent guest, Van Gilmer (choir director of the Bahai Temple), that to unify a gathering of people “you can sing”. After the singing, Robert “unified” us with his contribution of a $85 check.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Barb Tubekis reminded us that she needed volunteers for the September 29th Glencoe Garden Club Harvest which is being sponsored by our Club. It includes lunch and people can participate in the deliveries after the harvest. The produce goes to several area food pantries and soup kitchens. John Robertson reminded us of the Evanston’s Rotary Club 3-part program September 23-25 which includes a Northwestern football game and a visit to the Rotary Friendship Garden in Evanston. Guest Penny Fields told us of the Writing Group at WCH who has scheduled a “standup story telling performance” at the City Winery in Highland Park September 18th starting with music at 11:00 am. Rich Lalley reminded people of the Operation Warm project with donations hopefully coming in by the end of October (more information is available on our website and bulletins). Patti pointed out the Winnetka Historical Society’s private tour of Crab Tree Farm on a century old estate on Lake Michigan scheduled for September 29.
HAPPY BUCKS: Tony contributed in celebration of Fred Schwimmer’s return to the Club meetings and a positive forecast for his health condition. Heidi contributed to celebrate her company’s successful BBQ for their customers/vendors which raised $5000 in a raffle with the winner giving the money to their favorite charity, an Elgin- based arts organization providing programs for underprivileged children. Barb contributed HB in celebration of her tour of a newly constructed part of New Trier High School and the great job everyone is doing in retaining parts of the old structure and combining it with the new.
DIG N GRIN; Heidi gave us several little known facts about the Fall season, including why leaves lose their green color in cold weather; what happens during the equinox; how evergreen needles fall every 3 years; that 90% of the pumpkins sold during the season are raised within a 100 mile radius of Peoria; and why men really crave eating pumpkin pie!!
SPEAKER: David introduced Joe Flint, Senior Development Officer at The Cradle in Evanston. He presented a very informative power point which is available on the Club’s website. Other interesting facts mentioned were: The Cradle provides more than adoption service with its Child and Family Service programs; it started at Evanston Hospital almost 100 years ago but moved to 2049 Ridge Avenue in Evanston where it is today; it is the only agency in country with its own nursery; up until the 1990’s adoptions were “closed” with the children having no right to find out their origin—now it is an entirely open process for both children and birth parents; The Cradle has about 40% white, 30% Black; and 20% Hispanic babies adopted with about half of the kids of color being adopted by white parents; same sex couples have the same adoption rights as straight couples as long as they are married; there is no minimum age requirement for parents, but the average age of the birth moms is 27; birth moms are usually from Illinois or Indiana and the adoptive parents are usually from Illinois; the birth parents select the parents and location (there is a tendency for the birth parents to prefer suburban to inner city parents); adopting parents usually are foster parents for 6 months before applying to the State for adoption privileges; International adoptions are usually handled by international adoption agencies; some countries like Russia and Guatemala no longer permit adoption by U.S. parents, whereas Ethiopia, Korea, Tanzania and China (2nd child usually) are still open to such adoptions; The Cradle did not charge a fee for adoption until 15 years ago and today the fee is about $39,000 to adopt a child (there are a few exceptions); it costs the Cradle $55,000 to have one child adopted; 40% of The Cradle’s budget now has to be covered by charitable contributions; and it was a revelation to hear that The Cradle does not receive any government funds.