Co-President Moha Bouacha opened the meeting and welcomed everyone.
Robert Mardirossian started with a thought of the day from Kahlil Gibran: On Joy and Sorrow.
After saying the Pledge of Allegiance, with no one assigned to do a Rotary Foundation Minute today, Moha shared reflections on the Olympics.
After lunch, Chuck Norton introduced guests and visiting Rotarians, and Puran Stevens, Susan Stevens Clarke, and honorary member Brooke Peppey were all warmly welcomed.
Moha shared a few Rotary announcements:
- All are encouraged to attend the Rotary District conference on October 5, 2024 as well as the 2025 Rotary International Convention in Calgary June 21-25, 2025.
- Moha noted that we have several committees forming for the coming year, with the following chairs in place:
- Ken Drummet will chair the International committee
- Bob Baker will chair the Rotary Foundation committee (not our Club Foundation, the RI Foundation)
- Debra Campbell will chair the Public Image committee
- Barb Tubekis will chair the Service committee
- Liz Taylor will chair the Membership committee
- All are encouraged to go on to read more about the responsibilities of each committee; on August 22, we will have a Club Assembly with a presentation from each chair and a request for every member to join a committee.
Amy reminded everyone about tonight’s Rock the Garden event at which her band will be performing. The event will take place rain or shine – outside in the garden or indoors in the garden room.
Patti, our club Treasurer, reminded everyone to pay their dues for this quarter. She also reminded everyone that if you are a pay as you go lunch person, you should please pay Bob for your lunch today as well.
Moha noted that we should all keep an eye out for requests for contributions to our Foundation.
Happy Bucks were offered by Moha, Fred, Tony, and Susan (one of our guests).
Bill Leske offered fun facts about Rotary for Dig-n-Grin.
Patti introduced our speaker for the day: Lynn Diettrich whom she has known for many years.
Lynn shared information about Diettrich Farms, including their approach to working with horses, along with some of the programs and services they offer. They value the horse's perception and treat each horse as an ambassador for education and self-awareness. With those values in mind, they provide a comfortable environment where the horse and rider can feel safe and stress-free. It is in this environment that participants and guests are able to truly develop a deep bond with the horse that leads to increased comfort, self-confidence, and enjoyment.
The farm provides an incredible riding environment to support year-round programming for children and adults. The 15-acre farm features a 160-by-60 indoor arena, large round pen, and direct access to 13 miles of groomed trails in the adjacent state park. They also have a very comfortable indoor retreat, event, and educational space with a kitchen and washroom. They offer a wide range of activities, including lessons, adult and youth programs, retreats, camps, and more.
It was a wonderful presentation, and you can find out more about the farm here:
The meeting concluded with the usual recitation of the Four-Way Test.